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ELKHA : Jurnal Teknik Elektro
ISSN : 18581463     EISSN : 25806807     DOI :
The ELKHA publishes high-quality scientific journals related to Electrical and Computer Engineering and is associated with FORTEI (Forum Pendidikan Tinggi Teknik Elektro Indonesia / Indonesian Electrical Engineering Higher Education Forum). The scope of this journal covers the theory development, design and applications on Automatic Control, Electronics, Power and Energy Systems, Telecommunication, Informatics, and Industrial Engineering.
Articles 8 Documents
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Mereduksi Harmonisa Arus Dan Rugi Daya Akibat Beban Non Linier Dengan Memanage Penggunaan Beban Listrik Rumah Tangga Sugiarto, Hadi
ELKHA : Jurnal Teknik Elektro Vol 7, No 1 (2015): Edisi Bulan Maret 2015
Publisher : Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (632.656 KB) | DOI: 10.26418/elkha.v7i1.12023


Abstract– Peralatan listrik rumah tangga sebagian besar adalah  peralatan elektronik yang merupakan beban non linier. Beban ini akan menimbulkan harmonisa yang dapat menyebabkan terdistorsinya arus pada sistim distribusi tenaga listrik. Distorsi arus ini dapat menyebabkan rugi daya dan menurunnya kualitas daya. Untuk mengurangi distorsi arus dan mengurangi rugi daya akibat beban non linier dapat dilakukan dengan tanpa menggunakan filter, salah satu caranya yaitu dengan memanage/mengkombinasikan beban resistif dan induktif. Dari hasil simulasi beban yang dilakukan dengan mengkombinasikan beban resistif dan induktif, THDi dapat direduksi berkisar antara 37,45% - 44,75%, faktor daya dapat diperbaiki berkisar antara 14,81% -19,23, rugi daya akibat harmonisa dapat dikurangi berkisar antara 54,07%-97,70% dan rugi daya paling kecil ketika kombinasi beban listrik yang terhubung adalah TV LED, Laptop,  lampu LED, rice cooker, kipas angin.   Keywords– Harmonisa, rugi daya, reduksi, beban resistif dan induktif.
Analisis Audit Energi Listrik Pada Sistem Pengkondisian Udara (Studi Kasus Di Ruang Kelas Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Tanjungpura) Hidayat, Taufik
ELKHA : Jurnal Teknik Elektro Vol 7, No 1 (2015): Edisi Bulan Maret 2015
Publisher : Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (226.658 KB) | DOI: 10.26418/elkha.v7i1.11133


Abstract– Comfortable air condition is an absolute must in a Rungan but should not leave the aspect of energy saving electricity. Audit of electrical energy in the air conditioning system is an alternative system of electric energy savings, thus obtained the proper AC specifications to be applied in the classroom at the University economics faculty Tanjungpura without leaving aspects of feasibility analysis, installation of air conditioners that have been adjusted. Also evaluates investment approach to Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) as the basis for the beginning of the feasibility of the approach requires techniques to determine the basic forecasts profits and costs is then compared with a profit of present value, using the prevailing interest rate. Installation of split AC inverter that has the appropriate obtained BCR net value obtained by 1.16 and the investment cost of Rp. 3. 850.000/ unit AC with BEP value of Rp 1,360,198,898 in year 2 the use of air conditioning. Therefore, the value of BCR ³ 1.00; then the Split AC inverter complies with the requirements of the room is considered beneficial. Based on the analysis of BCR can be concluded that the factors of energy consumption rates litrik and treatment is the key draw of investments in air conditioning units. Keywords– Energy audit, Air conditioner (AC), feasibility analysis, Benefit Cost Ratio
Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Pengelolaan Jalan Desa Di Kabupaten Kapuas Hulu Juniardi, Ferry; Azwansyah, Heri
ELKHA : Jurnal Teknik Elektro Vol 7, No 1 (2015): Edisi Bulan Maret 2015
Publisher : Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (227.421 KB) | DOI: 10.26418/elkha.v7i1.12048


Abstract– This research aim to develop information system management of countryside road in Kapuas Hulu. This study requires countryside roads data obtained from relevant agencies, field surveys and various reference sources. The study resulted a geographical information system management of countryside road in Kapuas Hulu. This system can give information countryside road pursuant to condition of road, and street function, and can show of countryside road pursuant to name of district, and equiped by program information conservancy of countryside road. Keywords– Countryside Rood, Geographical Informastion  System. Program Information Conservanc.
Studi Kelayakan Pemanfaatan Pembangkit Listrik Kincir Air Terapung Di Desa Ella Hilir Kecamatan Ella Hilir Kabupaten Melawi Rahmadi, Joni; Yusuf, Ismail; Priyatman, Hendro
ELKHA: Jurnal Teknik Elektro Vol 7, No 1 (2015): Edisi Bulan Maret 2015
Publisher : Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (257.795 KB) | DOI: 10.26418/elkha.v7i1.11184


Abstract– Hydroelectric Power Plant (HEPP) use a boost from the water with a specific discharge and dtransformasikan into electricity by generators. River In Rural District of Ella Ella Downstream Downstream Melawi has the potential to be used as energy alternatives, with water flowing speed of 1m / s to 3 m /s. Utilization of Power Plant Feasibility Study Floating In Water Mill Village District of Ella Ella Downstream Downstream Melawi expected to provide an overview as well as a reference for the public and the government about the prospects and benefits are obtained if done on technology implementation or iplementasi floating waterwheel. Based on the lowest current 1 m / s Watermill floating able to produce 533.70 Watt, the highest river currents capable of producing 144,409.90 Watt, a comparison is electricity derived from PT. PLN with a reference group of R1 / 900 where the electricity tariff (TDL) around Rp. 650, - it is not worth the investment, the comparison is electricity derived from the generator, the power specification 1 kVA and price premium / liter Rp. 6.600, - (January 2015) it is well worth the investment Keywords– hydropower, Watermill, Streams, Generator
Perencanaan Sinyal Lampu Lalu Lintas Persimpangan Tiga Lengan Pada Jl.Tanjung Raya II – Jl. Panglima Aim Kota Pontianak Azwansyah, Heri; Juniardi, Ferry
ELKHA : Jurnal Teknik Elektro Vol 7, No 1 (2015): Edisi Bulan Maret 2015
Publisher : Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (514.833 KB) | DOI: 10.26418/elkha.v7i1.12049


Abstract– This study aim to plan traffic light at intersection three arm of Tanjung Raya II Street – Panglima Aim Street in Pontianak City. This Study require data of intersection geometric and vehicle traffic obtained of field survey. This study yield planning of traffic light 2 phase with cycle time 78 second. Green time of actual for phase 1 (Street of Panglima Aim) equal to 22 second, and for phase 2 ( Sreet of Tanjung Raya II) equal to 42 second. Keywords– Traffic Light, Cycle Time, Green Time.
Analisis Tekno Ekonomi Energi Micro Wind Turbine Di Kawasan Perbatasan (Studi Kasus : Desa Temajuk Kecamatan Paloh Kabupaten Sambas) Franky, Aleksander; Islami, Jamhir
ELKHA : Jurnal Teknik Elektro Vol 7, No 1 (2015): Edisi Bulan Maret 2015
Publisher : Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (118.558 KB) | DOI: 10.26418/elkha.v7i1.11412


Abstract– Permasalahan dalam perlistrikan wilayah terpencil dan perbatasan adalah letaknya yang jauh dari pusat pembangkitan dengan kondisi akses yang buruk, membuat biaya investasi menjadi sangat tinggi otomatis harga-harga barang  yang lain akan mengikutinya pula untuk itu diperlukan energi alternatif untuk mengatasi masalah ini. Salah satu energi alternatif untuk mengatasi krisis energi listrik saat ini yaitu dengan memanfaatkan energi angin atau PLT-Angin untuk menghasilkan energi listrik terutama untuk kawasan perbatasan di Kalimantan Barat yang aksesnya sulit untuk dijangkau jaringan PLN seperti di Desa Temajuk Kecamatan Paloh Kabupaten Sambas dimana memiliki potensi angin yang baik dengan  kecepatan angin rata-rata 2,914 m/s dan kecepatan angin maksimum 7,5 m/s pada ketinggian 20 m menggunakan turbin angin tipe AWI-E1000T 1000 Watt dengan cut- in speed 1.5 m/s akan mampu memproduksi energi listrik sebesar 1.861 kWh/tahun.  Ada beberapa parameter dalam melakukan perhitungan dan analisis tekno ekonomi energi berbasis web dan berbantuan program excel seperti Periode Pengembalian (Payback Period), Perhitungan Pemulihan Modal (Capital Recovery), dan Analisis Rate Of Return (ROR). Periode pengembalian pada 6,26 tahun lebih kecil dari umur rencana investasi selama 20 tahun, Nilai tarif  minimal produksi energi per kWh  adalah Rp 3.314,-  agar  terjadi  kondisi impas (BEP) pada akhir  masa pakai  20 tahun tingkat suku bunga (MARR) 13,5 %, estimasi besar tingkat suku bunga Minimum Attractiv Rate Of Return (MARR) tercapainya Rate Of Return (ROR) adalah 4,93 %. Dari hasil perhitungan dan analisis tekno ekonomi serta kajian yang telah dilakukan mengenai potensi angin dan sistem kerja turbin angin maka layak dilaksanakan untuk kesejahteraan masyarakat sekitarnya.   Keywords– Turbin Angin, Analisis Periode Pengembalian, Web.
Audit Energi Listrik Di SMK Negeri 2 Pontianak ', Syahri
ELKHA : Jurnal Teknik Elektro Vol 7, No 1 (2015): Edisi Bulan Maret 2015
Publisher : Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (365.063 KB) | DOI: 10.26418/elkha.v7i1.12022


Abstract– Electrical energy is very important in the world of education. It is very operational support in learning at SMK Negeri 2 Pontianak. Equipment such as air conditioning, lighting and a practice that is a lot of equipment that consumes electrical energy. This is a waste of energy. To tackle the problem of the energy efficiency. One of the methods that are now used for efficient energy consumption is energy conservation. Energy conservation is the increase in the efficiency of energy use or energy saving process. In this process include the presence of an energy audit that is a technique that is used to calculate the magnitude of the energy consumption in buildings and identify ways to penghematannya. On the study of energy Audit done on the building practices of SMK Negeri 2 Pontianak Activities performed include Energy Audits Energy Audits and Detailed Initial i.e. calculating the intensity of energy consumption (IKE) and looking for opportunities in energy saving building practice 2-lane Country SMK electricity into one substation with a capacity of installed 82.5 KVA From research results, obtained by IKE on a building which does not use the AIR CONDITIONING that is the building of practice techniques of automotive, electrical engineering and electronics engineering with the highest IKE 3,18 kWh/m²/month, this value includes the categories of wastes It needs to be done, to savings in this study, after saving the value of IKE to building practices that do not use the AIR CONDITIONING be 2.46 kWh/m²/month, this value includes the requirement of efficient compliance with the standards of the Ministry of national education Republic of IKE Indonesia for the requirement of efficient is 1.67 – 2.50 kWh/m²/month   Keywords– Audit Of Energy, Intensity Of Energy Consumption
Kajian Teknis dan Analisis Ekonomis PLTS Off-grid Solar System sebagai Sumber Energi Alternatif (Studi Kasus : Dusun Sedayu Desa Pulau Limbung Kecamatan Sungai Raya Kabupaten Kubu Raya ) kardi, Rus
ELKHA : Jurnal Teknik Elektro Vol 7, No 1 (2015): Edisi Bulan Maret 2015
Publisher : Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (114.611 KB) | DOI: 10.26418/elkha.v7i1.9409


Abstract– In this study, the off-grid solar system is used to support the lighting for the residents in Dusun Sedayu. Each house had a total lighting power of 12 Watt consisting of two lamps of 5 Watt and 7 Watt lamp respectively. The technical analysis conducted includes several supporting components such as: the examination of solar panel capacity of 700 WP, the examination of the used battery capacity of 500 Ah, the examination of the BCU capacity of 60 Ampere and the election of the inverter of 12VDC / 220VAC 500 Watt. The results of the economical assessment obtained of the system are as follow: daily average power (P) which can be raised for 10 hours (07.00 am to 17.00 pm) is equal to 337.96 Watt, the average energy per day (Eh) is about 3,3796 kWh, the energy price per unit from the  off-grid solar system is about Rp.13.294,46, - / kWh, and the period of return on investment (payback period) of the off-grid solar energy system is about 4.01 years. By analyzing the Internal Rate Of Return (IRR) of the off-grid solar system, it can be concluded some of the following: IRR with energy prices of Rp.415, - (TDL. PLN) is smaller than the MARR, therefore, the project is stated as infeasible. However, the IRR with energy prices of Rp. 13294.46, - (price per unit of energy) is greater than the MARR, thus, it can be claimed that this project is worth to be done.   Keywords– off-grid, energy, technical,economic, investment.

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